Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team
Crisis intervention & short term crisis management: 902-429-8167
Telephone intervention throughout Capital District ,mobile response for Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Child Welfare Services
1-866-922-2434 (Crisis Line)
Child protection services strive to protect children under 18 from abuse and neglect while making every effort to keep families together. Everyone has the duty to immediately report to a child welfare agency even a suspicion that a child under 18 may be in need of protective services. Designated social workers in child welfare agencies are required to assess reports of alleged child abuse and neglect.
Child abuse includes:
* Physical abuse
* Emotional abuse
* Sexual abuse
* Neglect
Kids Help Phone
800-668-6868 (Crisis Line)
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only bilingual phone and on-line counselling service for youth. It’s free, anonymous and confidential. Professional counsellors are available any time of the day or night, 365 days a year, to help young people deal with concerns large or small. As a community-based national charity, Kids Help Phone relies on individual and corporate donations to fund these vital services.
Bullying Help Line
1-902-490-7283 (Crisis Line)
Bullying is a terrible experience for children and teenagers which can easily lead to long lasting emotional scars. As a child, parent, teacher or adult, we as a whole need to be vigilant in recognizing the signs that a child is being bullied or could be a bully. We offer information and guidance to everyone affected by bullying.
Avalon Sexual Assault Centre / Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE)
1-902-425-0122 (Crisis Line)
Through this initiative, on-call SANE’s will provide immediate care and conduct forensic examinations of victims of sexual violence. We offer:
* 24 hour emergency response
* Response to the emergency departments
* Services to females, males and trans persons
* Expert testimony in a court of law
* Supportive follow-up for victims
* Storage of forensic evidence for six months
Bryony House
1-902-422-7650 (Crisis Line)
provides a safe shelter and support services for women and families impacted by intimate partner violence and abuse. We offer the following programs:
* Safety Planning
* Helping Children Heal
* Living In Freedom Everyday (L.I.F.E) Program
* 24 Hour Distress Line
* Women’s Supportive Counselling
* Educational Group Sessions
Department Against Senior's Abuse
1-877-521-1188 (Crisis Line)
When someone violates those rights and causes harm, that's abuse. Often the abuser is someone in a position of trust, like a family member, friend, or caregiver. The different forms that abuse can take include:
* financial abuse
* emotional abuse
* violation of rights and freedoms
* neglect
* sexual abuse
* physical abuse
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line
1-855-242-3310 (Crisis Line)
Service is available in Cree, Ojibway, Inuktitut, English and French. Callers may ask about the availability of services in the language of their choice.